Our Birmingham (Harborne) Centre
Subjects: Find out information regarding the subjects we offer at our Birmingham (Edgbaston) Centre
All our tutors are qualified Primary School teachers working in local schools. Whether your child wants to be top of the class or needs support in a number of key areas, this is the group for you. Preparation for your child’s SAT’s exam is very important and our tutors are very experienced.
Lessons are fun and creative and guaranteed to engage your child throughout the time they are with us at Young Einstein Tuition. Each lesson is tailored to your child so that they are working on their own targets. The cost of both Maths and English is £30 (2 hours) while one subject is £20 (1 hour). These sessions are every Thursday between 5pm to 7pm..
All tutors are qualified school teachers who have specialist experience in the 11+ examination. This group is specifically for students who want to enter King Edwards Grammar School or those sitting an examination to enter a fee paying school. Subjects taught include Maths, English, Verbal reasoning and Non-verbal reasoning.
This classroom tuition is run by Einstein11Plus who also provide Mock Exams and an Online Learning Platform to other 11+ tutors in the Midlands as well as other CEM areas in England. Please visit their website at https://www.einstein11plus.com/. for their outstanding service and to download their amazing results year on year.
All our tutors are qualified Secondary School teachers specialising in either Maths or English. They are experienced in teaching all years from year 7 to year 11. As a result they are up-to-date with all the curriculum changes.
If both subjects are studied then your child will have two teachers and spend an hour with a Maths teachers and an hour with the English teacher. Each lesson is tailored to your child so that they are working on their own targets. The cost of both Maths and English is £30 (2 hours) while one subject is £20 (1 hour). These sessions are every Wednesday between 6pm and 8pm.
All our Science tutors are qualified Science teachers and teach all three Sciences giving complete flexibility in what your child learns. Each session is weekly and is 2 hours long. We feel one hour is not sufficient to make the best progress possible. If combined with Maths and/or English then it is possible to do 1 hour or 2 hours of Science. The cost of our 2 hour package is £30 and 3 hour package is £45.
Science sessions are currently every Wednesday between 5pm to 7pm. (This can be combined with Maths or English which takes places between 5pm and 8pm)